Hi All! As most of you know, I am expecting my first child in just a few short weeks, 6 weeks to be exact! I decided that I wanted to try to take it as cheaply as I could. So these past few weeks I have been combing the internet and checking out prices, doing curb alerts to pick up items he needed and researching homemade solutions. Today I decided I would post about my new work in project (WIP)! I am making a carseat canopy, yay!! I got a really simple design on the internet and will be making it with some fabric I have at home which I found in the bins at Walmart for .97 a yard and it is Winnie the Pooh so it will totally go with his Pooh theme in his nursery. I am super excited to try it as I am needing projects to keep me focused these last few weeks. I will be posting the super easy pattern below for you all to check out. In other news, this week for a curb alert I found a lady giving away used little boy clothes ranging anywhere from NB to 12 months. I got them from her and after a nice wash they were as good as new. I sorted them by which ones I new would work and weren't stained too bad and am proud to say that with my curb alert I got my little guy 20 new outfits to him! So that saved a ton and they are in bigger sizes too so I wont always have to rush to buy him the next size up! I am a big advocate of making sure you have a supply of clothes in the next size up just in case your baby grows. I have a small stockpile of clothes for him in sizes all the way up to size 4 in little boys. So my little fellow can grow as he pleases. Another yay for this week is that I finally found some decent deals on a car seat and breastmilk freezer bags were on sale this week! I bought an Evenflo Convertible Carseat on Amazon for 52.99, it is the #1 best seller for Convertible Carseats on Amazon, Lansinoh had 100 ct freezer bags on sale for 13.88 when they are normally 17 dollars,an add on item a Baby Einstein Bendy Ball that I originally ordered at 5.59 but hours later when it dropped to 4.88 I had amazon price adjust it for me saving me 71 cents more, and another add on item that was a gift for a friend a Petmate kitty cap for 1.09. With my gift card, I paid almost 63 dollars which is a steal! I will also post links and pictures for all of you to see!
Hoping you All have the Most Frugal Day!
Petmate Kitty Cap for 1.09- Add on Item on Amazon
Evenflo Carseat $52.99 on Amazon
Evenflo Carseat
Baby Einstein Bendy Ball! This is going up as present for my little guy! Was 4.88 now down to 3.94! -Add on Item on Amazon
Bendy Ball
Breastmilk freezer bags, normally 17 for 100, I got on sale 13.88 for 100!
Breastmilk Freezer Bags
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