Thursday, January 21, 2016

To Cloth Diaper or Not to Cloth Diaper

I have been back and forth on this debate over and over again. I am not sure if I wanna cloth diaper or not. I have been to classes, read articles, watched youtube videos, and connected with moms from all over to see what their experiences were with cloth diapering. However, I still haven't decided. I thought maybe I could get a few and try them out here and there before investing myself too much into cloth diapering, however I am still not sure about even investing any. I am not sure how I am gonna feel after my little guy is born and how I am even going to manage feeding him, taking care of his diapers, washing them, and all the other facets of being a mother all while keeping my home clean, taking care of my cats etc. The whole idea is a little daunting to say the least, I know I can buy a whole pile of diapers for around 200ish possibly less depending on if I use my free gift cards and whatnot to help out. However I still hesitate, what if I invest too much and don't like cloth diapering... what if my baby doesn't take to it? All these questions go around and around in my head, and my husband doesn't want to cloth diaper. He isn't a fan of it no matter how much it might save us in money and having to run out to get diapers... he doesn't want to do it and my family isn't into cloth diapering as well. I have heard constant comments from my mother and about how I won't like it, and it is too time consuming because she wanted to cloth diaper my siblings and I originally and didn't because of the time it took. Also there is the debate about if they go to daycare about whether or not the daycare would be cloth diaper friendly, the same can be said about a babysitter. So I still debate it out, so readers what did you do with your little ones if you have them or what did your parents do with you? Looking for some insight to help me figure out what I am going to do!

Thanks for reading, 

Snowangel :)

Picture, just cause :)

Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent Review

So I tried out a new detergent, this detergent is called Seventh Generation. I actually really liked it. I have been struggling to find a detergent that doesn't have me breaking out in hives again and I know that my little one on the way will probably have the same skin issues I have so I have been on the hunt to find skin sensitive products that we can both use. I think I may have found it, I was trying out some samples they gave me as part of their community project and it works. My skin had no reaction to the detergent and it got my clothes clean :) Which is a bonus to me, because I feel that sometimes you sacrifice some of the clean feeling of your clothes with sensitive skin products. 

Here is the website to their community:

I am not sure if they are taking new members or not, but it worth a shot to look at and see if they are. They have sent me samples of baby wipes and samples of laundry detergent so far!

I received the samples for free in exchange for my honest review :) It is very honest and totally mine