Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Difficulties of Being Young

The worst thing for young people to deal with is boredom. They want to go out and have fun and not sit at home all day. Being frugal and this sometimes don't mix. I am struggling this week with keeping myself busy while my boyfriend went to Military Ball. It was a struggle, I watched netflix, worked on my paper, gave myself a pedicure, applied for a couple of jobs, and talked to my family members.

So I decided to come up with some things to do for when you get bored:

1. Pamper yourself
2. Watch Tv or Netflix
3. Go for A Walk
4. Do a Puzzle
5. Craft


Here are some free calenders to print in case you need one:
 (I needed one this week)

Friday, March 21, 2014

So Spring Is Finally Here!!

Or so I hope!

I hope everyone has survived the winter weather. These past few days have been super warm! I am so ready for the warmth of spring, just not the pollen! I am allergic to Pine Trees and am surrounded by them everywhere!!! 

So, Has anyone started a garden?

I have not, I didn't want to start one since I plan on moving as soon as I get a job! 

I wish I could have started one, I have bought a canner and planned to try to can veggies and such. If you are planning a garden I would suggest starting it soon and probably inside so they can start sprouting just in case all this bad weather doesn't clear up.

Here are some simple gardening tips to help you :

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Getting into Shape

So how does one get into shape? Who defines being in shape?

Theses questions are circling around in my head as I sit over my coffee and think about what I need to do to get back into shape. I wanna be able to run, but I am not much of a runner....never have been. How do you practice running... isn't it hardwired into us from birth. I suppose not.

So if I am working out again... what would be the best work out?

So I am thinking and ab and crunch workout with extra cardio such as jump rope.

Not sure what you guys think.

Guess I can start doing this again... I mean I have to right?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Today My Heart is Full Again

After a super long week, I am glad to say that I am ready to make full plans for my future. I have started to apply for jobs, and working really hard to complete my assignments and work on my final paper that is due for my last class. I have decided to begin applying for jobs so that way I can interview and find out my chances to attain a job.

Graduating from college is scary, especially since I do not know my next step for sure. I do not have a job secured yet, I don't even for sure know my options but I am hoping that I can overcome these fears and make my way towards my dreams :)

Wish me luck